1. Please read through our FAQ before contacting us.
2. Contact us via the device you use to play the app.
3. We cannot intervene in issues involving another player.
4. We cannot reveal tips and/or tricks to help you get ahead in the game.
5. There is a chance that we may not respond to your comment/opinion.
6. We respond to inquiries only after we have internally analyzed player data and the information you have provided us.
7. Before sending your inquiry, make sure that your device/email settings are able to receive messages from addresses with the domains @voltage.co.jp and @inq.voltage.co.jp.
8. In your message to us, please be as specific as possible when describing the problems you are encountering.
>Please enter the following information.
(Anything marked with "*" must be answered.)
(If possible, please fill in any section marked with "+". This will help facilitate a faster response time.)

© Voltage Inc.